Montreal Strategical Forum on Artificial Intelligence
I was invited as a speaker at the main stage at the Forum Stratégique sur l'Intelligence Artificielle to talk about the opportunities and...

Artificial Intelligence Governance in Financial Services
I co-organized and participated in a multidisciplinary workshop that gathered scientists, regulators and lawyers to discuss the...

Colloquium on Transparency and Audit of Artificial Intelligence Models
I was invited to participate in a colloquium on Transparency and Audit of Artificial Intelligence models. This was in the context of a...

Table Ronde - Enjeux des FinTech: Aspects Juridiques et Financiers. Faculté de Droit, Université de
I participated in a round table at the Faculty of Law on the legal impact of the innnovation in Fintech. I participated in a round table...

3rd European Actuarial Journal Conference - Lyon, France
I gave a contributed talk in the 3rd European Actuarial Journal Conference. The title of the talk was On Application of Simulator Models...

ASTIN Conference - Lisbon, Portugal
I participated in the 3rd ASTIN Conference organized in Lisbon, Portugal.

Conférence au Club Mathématique UdeM -Du temps de Louis Bachelier aux années de la haute fréquence
La finance mathématique a un peu plus de cent ans d'existence, ce qui se trouve aussi être l’âge de la théorie moderne des probabilités....

The 4th Workshop on Insurance Mathematics - University of Waterloo
Last February I was an invited speaker at the 4th Workshop on Insurance Mathematics that took place at the University of Waterloo. The...

Recent Advances in Actuarial Mathematics - Oaxaca, Mexico
Invited talk at BIRS-Oaxaca.

19th Congress on Insurance Mathematics and Economics - Liverpool, UK
I attended and give a contributed talk in this congress. IME is the leading congress in the field of insurance mathematics.